Focus on algorithms, from #idea2prod
Spend more time on your ideas and deploy them faster, with Datatailr's R&D to production platform.
We take care of the rest.
Here's how the #idea2prod cycle works on Datatailr.
Datatailr is an encrypted, R&D-to-production computing platform for analytics and applications.
It's all secure in your own cloud account and on-prem - we never touch or see your data, code or processes.
And it's easy to use - we handle all the infrastructure on low level, under the hood. You connect your code repo, your data - and you are up and running.
dt.cube - Visualize & manipulate unlimited data
Stream, visualize, abstract, aggregate, slice and dice, and create dashboards with your data. Hybrid server + client side. Data cube scaling to trillions of rows.
dt.code - Develop & debug your code
Just code in a cloud-based IDE/Jupyter and push it. Open telemetry, user-based permissions, actionable logs. - Package & deploy applications
New vectorized build system is 3X faster than Conda. Incremental image building. ML packages are always available on the latest hardware.
dt.batch - Batch scheduling & burst compute
Run back-tests of your code against your data pipeline, segregate environments, spin up VMs, schedule batch jobs, and be able to reproduce and retest your code. Deploy your apps and dashboards to production.
Optimize compute & lower TCO
Our ML powered tech stack will automatically pre-warm machines and scale your compute resources up and down, saving you time, headaches, and 20% to 90% of your compute bill. Cloud cost controls dashboard.
Accelerate your impact, from #idea2prod.
Our team has decades of experience as quants, strats and developers at leading global financial and technology firms, from Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, Barclays and Bank of America, to Google. We also were key contributors to JupyterLab, Conda/Anaconda, Numba, Cython and Perspective open-source projects.
We built this platform for you, and we're here to guide you to make the most of it inside your organization.